Preliminary Conditions of Jamiah

As stated above, this Madrasa was started at the home of the founder of the university with extreme poverty. After the increase in number of students, it was shifted to a Masjid in Simlak.

At that time the hardship was such that there was no proper arrangement for the meals of the students. In such scenario, they put 2 pots one for rice and the other for wheat/millets in each house of the village. So that when the women of the village take out rice and flour for cooking in the morning and in the evening, they should also put a handful and a half in this pot. From time to time founder of Madrasa Hazrat Moulana Ahmad Hasan Bham Simlaki (RH) himself along with one of his assistants would carry the collected rice and flour on his shoulders and host the guest of the prophet (students & teachers).

Moulana Ahmad Buzurg (RH)

After the death of founder, the position for the head of Madrasa for vacant for approximately 2 ½ years. During this time the madrasa committee used to see the daily functioning of Madrasa. After some time, a need arises for a bright, active and young man to take the charge of the Madrasa. To fill the vacant position, the committee members come with one of the great and sincere person of his time Hazrat Moulana Ahmad Buzurg (RH) who was the most suitable person for this post. Moulana Ahmad Buzurg (RH) not only has the same name that of founder but also has the same thinking and working philosophy. But at that time, he was stationed at Rangoon Burma teaching Ifta. Managing committee and some of his friends insisted and called him to Simlak and hand over the operation of Madrasa to him.

With his appointment, a fresh blood started running in to the body of the Madrasa. Moulana Ahmad Buzurg RH (died 1371 H) put all his time and efforts in the building and development of Madrasa. It was he who initiated the effort to invite eminent scholars, jurists and narrators of the time to Madrasa. He invited Imam-ul-Asr Hazrat Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri (RH) to Madrasa which he accepted. A delegation of Deoband scholars led by Imam-ul-Asr along with their students reached Madrasa Talimuddin Simlak. With the arrival of these eminent & great scholars, the whole region shone with the light of knowledge. Madrasa which was called as a regional Madrasa was changed to Jamiah Islamia Talimuddin Dabhel Simlak and became famous all over India.

After the arrival of Deoband scholars, there was considerable increase in student’s admission in Jamiah which resulted in increase in expenses which was taken care by some wealthy individuals and families of that area. In order to cover more expenses, he travelled to Africa. After spending 2 years in Africa, he returned home successful. Moulana Ahmad Buzurg (RH) era is being considered as the second era of Jamiah. His duration in Jamiah was 21 years, 7 months & 12 days. (For more details refer to History of Jamiah old and new).

Maslak (sect) of Jamiah

Jamiah Talimuddin beliefs are similar to Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat, school of thought is Hanafi and disposition of Deoband. The way of thinking and working of Jamiah is like that of Hujjat-ul-Islam Hazrat Moulana Mohammed Qasim Nanotvi (RH), Imam Rabbani Moulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (RH) and Hakeem-ul-Ummah Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RH).
