Department of Tahaffuze Shariah
There are two main branches of religious services. One is the publication and the other is protection. Among these, protection of Islam is the most important. In every age, various tactics have been used to divert the people of Islam from the right path and to create doubts in their hearts. In order to pass on the teachings of Islam to the next generation in the right form, there is urgent need for proper education, Tableegh as well as answering the objection of the opponents and redressing the innovations and rituals (Bidaat and rusumaat) created in the name of religion. Department of Tahaffuze Shariah is a practical manifestation of this need.
From day one, Jamiah has rendered its services on this front. However, this department was formally established at the hands of Hazrat Maulana Syed Asad Madani (RH) in 2001 CE.
Under this department, students are prepared intellectually, mentally and practically to counter the allegations and objections raised by the deviated sects from the Ahle sunnat wal Jamaat and other religions. In which special lectures on selected topics are given to the high-grade students one hour every week. Periodically debates were being organized among them. In order to sharpen the writing and analytic skills, students are asked to write articles on various topics. In addition, training camps are conducted for a day, two or three based on the requirement to have intellectual coordination between the students and expert ulama. In view of the current times, regular books, journals, booklets and charts are published from this department.
Like other specialization, this department also provide training and guidance to the students by enrolling them. To achieve the goal, department has well organized library and other collection of material.